Claromachines: New concept cars
In the seaside city of Claromecó, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, certain beach concept cars have been designed in a handmade way.
The most outstanding peculiarity is that the bodies of these cars have been taken off due to the high levels of saltpeter that corrode and rust the bodies of the cars very quickly. In this way, the inhabitants of Claromecó can enjoy their vehicles and show off in the beaches, dunes, and other attractions of the coast of this beautiful seaside city.
More information at claromachines
Claromachines: Nuevos concept car En la ciudad balnearia de Claromecó, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, desde hace varios años se vienen fabricando artesanalmente ciertos concept cars playeros.
La particularidad más sobresaliente es que a estos autos se les ha quitado la carrocería, debido a que el los elevados niveles de salitre que se encuentran en el aire corroen y oxidan rápidamente las carrocerías. De esta manera los habitantes de Claromecó pueden disfrutar de sus vehículos y pasear por las playas, las dunas y demás atracciones del litoral marítimo de esta bella ciudad balnearia.
Más información claromachines
i can't help but wonder the safety of those cars... i mean it may not matter. people my not be going that fast, etc., but if you get hit in the side, that's it
Those cars are on Claromeco. Argentina.(i saw 4 of them). 575 KM far from Buenos Aires. The Blue One with yellow tires is used to jump dunes (sand Mountains). This cars have been modificated becouse has low weigth they had beter goes on sand.
Are those cars even street legal? It would be great to have those sort of car in the beach or forest or something but maybe not a so good vehicle in the high way.
Loved reading thiss thank you
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