Tuesday, October 10, 2006

La chomba qui parla

"La chomba qui parla" Express your daily moods in a t shirt

The ad agency in Buenos Aires called "El Jardín" (in english "The Garden") has created some communication experiments to discover new ways of interaction and relation between the people. In this case one is a new product, called: (in Italian) "La chomba qui parla" (The t shirt which talks).
This project is born from an idea: the clothes have its own form to speak, speak of our our personality, our taste, our moods, say things about how we see ourselves or how we felt every day. But the truth is that not every day we are equal, nor we have desire to say the same. Wearing "La chomba qui parla" you can write a message on it, placed a photo, the news, a drawing or a whatever you want to communicate.
The t- shirt says at every moment what the user want to say. Any person could be part of this experiment of communication, simply choose what you want to say and write it in the front of "La chomba qui parla".
Such an experiment.

Site El Jardin

"La chomba qui parla" Expresa tu estado de ánimo en una remera

La agencia de publicidad , emplazada en Buenos Aires, "El Jardín" realiza experimentos de comunicación para descubrir nuevas formas de interacción y de relación entre las personas. En este caso se trata de un nuevo producto, una remera llamada: "La chomba qui parla". (La remera que habla).
Este proyecto nace a partir de una idea: la ropa tiene su propia forma de hablar, habla de nuestro estado de ánimo, de nuestros gustos, de nuestra personalidad, dice cosas acerca de cómo nos vemos o cómo nos sentimos cada día. Pero la verdad es que no todos los días estamos igual, ni tenemos ganas de decir lo mismo. Con "La chomba qui parla" se puede escribir un mensaje, colocar una foto, una noticia, un dibujo o un recorte para que la ropa diga en cada momento lo que el usuario quiere decir.
Cualquier persona puede formar parte de este experimento de comunicación, simplemente debe elegir qué quiere decir y escribirlo en el frente de La chomba qui parla.
Gran experimento

Site El Jardin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Hernando (kinda crazy to post here in english knowing that you are from Argentina and I´m from Brazil, whatever)...
Nice idea you have there! A trend spotting! Is that an idea that came from you students or is it something that these publicity agencies came with?
São Paulo - the city I live in - is, as I believe, very similar to Bs. As. in trend launching. These t-shirts stuff going on there happens a lot here too. (I can map some sites for you later if you´re interested)
I have a blogspot myself in wich i tell stories that i have heard or lived in bars here in Sao Paulo, hope you can enjoy it (it´s in portuguese). Here´s the adress:
Let´s exchange some ideas ok?
Excellent blog you have here!

PS.: i´ll be in Bs.As. in january/2007 with my wife(she is a social sciences student herself, by the way) it would be great to have good references for places to go like the ones you have here (and others you might have) for my six day visit.
