Sunday, September 03, 2006

Bs As Stencil. Tshirts

Bs As Stencil Crew
Bs As Stencil, site of urban underground graffitties and stencils in Buenos Aires launched his own line of t shirts about pop culture. Satirical mood and acid urban philosophy are printed in this shirts.
They could give one of them to Diego Maradona.
Keep an eye on it.
Bs As Stencil Crew
Bs As Stencil, sitio de graffities y stencil del underground urbano en Buenos Aires, lanzó su propia línea de remeras acerca de la cultura pop.
En un modo satírico y con una ácida filosofía urbana están impresas estas remeras.
Ellos pudieron ofrecerle una a Diego Maradona.
Pongále un ojo en ellas.

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